About My Journey

Some things to know about me and my journey. I broke my foot, OUCH, spent 6 weeks in a cast. As a result of that injury figured out that I hade an exploded disk in my neck and had to undergo spine surgery. After the surgery it was weight gain time. Now, after all that it's time to get back into shape, LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It was bound to happen

Hey everyone, lol like anyone but me reads this! Anyhow.........
I'm back in the gym again.  I'm officially participating in the USMC Mud Run with a team of friends who had a temmate drop out..sooooo my reserve card got pulled.  I just checked out the website and looks to be a pretty intense Obstacle course.  About 5 miles and 32 Obstacles see the included map for more info on the rout and click the link for a description for all the Obstacles.

Flat Bench 135 X 10 - 4 Sets
Standing Dumbbell curls 5 per arm 2x (Total of 10 Reps) - 4 Sets increasing weight on each set. 20, 25, 35
Standing Tri Pushdowsn using rope handle 4 sets 60lbs 20 Reps
Standing Bicep Curls using straight bar on the cable machine. 4 Sets 80lbs 15 Reps

Nothing hard just trying to get some reps in.  Let the pain come so we can work through it.  I will be modifying my schedule to accommodate a Lunch-Time weight program and as soon as the time changes will start doing more Two-a-Day weight training workouts.

Still want to keep my run up however I am excited to start cross training.  Hopefully I will get to pick up my new wheels for my road bike this weekend from REI and I can start spinning SOON.  Additionally when the time changes I will start my swim training in the mornings.  There a lot of change getting ready to happen peoples!  Stay tuned..............

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