About My Journey

Some things to know about me and my journey. I broke my foot, OUCH, spent 6 weeks in a cast. As a result of that injury figured out that I hade an exploded disk in my neck and had to undergo spine surgery. After the surgery it was weight gain time. Now, after all that it's time to get back into shape, LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Afternoon Run

My runs are getting a little better.  I ran today and was less wore-out that normal. I mixed a new route with an old route and kept the mileage under four miles.   No automated RunKeeper tracking today, however I manually plotted my rout and entered a rounded up time.

Time         Temp Dew   Humd
11:51 AM 87.1 °F 63.0 °F 44%
12:51 PM         90.0 °F    64.0 °F 42%

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Solo Kayak Camping Trip ReCap

Okay, now that I am back all safe & sound let’s recap this weekend’s adventures.

Packed up the kayak will all the essentials that I will be taking on the Sep. trip and loaded it into the back of the Truck.  This took longer than expected so that put me on the water almost an hour late, about 7:00.  Since everyone else bailed out of this trip I launched solo at Buckhorn Dam heading downstream towards Raven Rock St. Park.  Immediately I started running into issues with the water depth, there were several times where I could have got out of the Kayak and drug it over the rocks and one time that I actually had to.  Other than that, quite an enjoyable trip down the river & the Heat was not bad.  There were quite a few people out enjoying the river from the homes & porches. I paddled 8.32 Miles in 2hrs.

Upon my arrival at Raven Rock it was almost dark, and by the time that I portaged all my gear and got my kayak up to the camp it was pitch black!  Next I built a fire and proceeded to setup camp.  I was doing as much as I could so that I would not let me insecurities of me being out in the woods, almost as far away as I could be, alone bother me too much.  Up to this point I was still holding my own and was not wigged-out at all.  Eleven O’clock rolls around and it was time to call the wife to tell her goodnight.  Just as soon as I hung up the phone from here a BOBCAT starts growling at me !  Now, I don’t know about you but this send me to Wig-Out land !!  For the next four hours I focused on keeping my fire going, actively scanning the woods with my light, and an all encompassing worry about what is out there and what is going to EAT me!  Ughhhh, between that bobcat, the hundreds of bats flying over my head & the raccoons that were trying to sneak into my camp I was so freaked out that I ended up packing all my gear up and moving to the bath-house for the rest of the time.  The bath-house was not much better, yes, it had four wall but those walls were lifted up off the ground about 3 Inches !  HA, so now I had to worry about all the creepy-crawly things.  Needless to say, no sleep was had Friday night.  To add insult to entire experience, at some point before I moved to the shelter, something (Probably the bobcat) came into my camp and stole my entire food bag! On top of everything else, I popped all of my stitches on the kayak trip down and my finger was now bleeding.  WOW, What a night!!

Morning finally arrived and I walked to the trail-head, 2 Miles away, to wait for my kayak friend and while there I was talking to one of the park rangers about what he thought I might have experience.  He confirmed that he would be pretty sure that it was a bobcat as well.  He did however share with me that some guest of the park just last weekend reported watching some bears head into the park!  REALLY !  Don’t you think that is something that they should tell campers?? Anywho……

My friend finally arrived, and we carried his kayak back down the trail, 2miles, to the river and launched about 9:00.  He and I continued our kayaking down the Cape Fear to our extraction site in Lillington where my wife was waiting for us., The river was rough and we had a head wind the entire way. However we finished that
paddle in just over 1hr 30min.

Good time was had & was wore-out when I got home.

Lessons learned this weekend
I am NOT a solo camper
I have no interest in ever camping at Raven Rock again.  However, I probably will
I WILL have a better head lamp next time I camp.  I use to think that $40.00-$60.00 was overkill, YOU WOULDN’T IF YOU HAD JUST GONE THROUGH WHAT I DID.
ALWAYS bring extra batteries, not matter how long you THINK you might be gone.
Invest in a bear-bag to keep your food in.
I need a longer kayak for my September trip.
I need more water when doing primitive overnight kayak camping.  One 2l CamelBak is not enough.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Aid Checklist: Expert Advice from REI

In preparation for my overnight kayak camping trip this Friday.  I have come across a couple of helpful check lists.  These will also be hand for my Sep. Fayetteville to BattleShip Kayak trip!

First Aid Checklist: Expert Advice from REI

Canoe Day Touring Checklist: Expert Advice from REI

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ughhhhh, REALLY!?

  So today’s post work activity / workout was to paddle a new portion of the Deep River, about 6.8 miles of it.  TO BAD IT NEVER HAPPENED !
Why, ‘cause I’m stupid that’s why.

  On the way home from work I stopped to get gas in my motorcycle and broke the kay off in the gas tank lock.  I called the wife and asked her to bring me my spare.  Well, while I stand there waiting I decide to try and get the broken part out of the lock.  I went to my Tail-Bag and returned with the wire portion of a binder clip.  Carefully I placed the end of it into the whole where the key was broke off and tried to rotate it back to the lock position so I could actually get some gas and go home to worry about the broken part there, but alas the lock would not budge. 

  Now comes the super idea of the day !  My knife had a broken tip on the blade that looks like it just might fit beside the broken portion of the key and with the handle at a 90degree angle (not locking the blade out, 2nd mistake) I wedged it down there and started trying.  The more I tried the more frustrated it got.  Finally out of an act of aggravation I put more pressure on the handle and twisted really hard.  POP, the blade flew out of the key hole and …… yup you guessed it, sliced a nice hole in my right-hand index finger.  Ughhh, an even longer story short, called some friends to come and get my bike and take it to a local shop and off we went to the urgent care. 

Five stitches, a tetanus shot and a prescription for antibiotics later we were on our way home.  So much for paddling today!

Lunch-time Gym Weights workout

Dumbbell bench press
45(15), 55(15), 65(8)

Incline barbell Press
115(15), 115(12), 135(6)

Did this entire rotation 3x
25lbs used during the rotation
Bicep Curls (5 /arm) set of 10
Seated & Weighted calf-raises (40)
Chest flys (15)
Ab Leg Extensions In & Outs (25)

Tricep Push-Downs  3 Sets
40# X 15 Reps

Dips UnAssisted
1 Set 10 Reps

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hot Run

It has been soooo hot here lately, in the 100’s, it has been really hard to run and post up any decent times.  Since it has not been getting dark until about 8:30pm  I decided to do a late evening run tonight at 7:45 PM and would try some different techniquies J

Tonight’s workout I would start out with a 1mile warm-up then stop and stretch.  I held about an 8min mile for a little over a mile then stopped and stretched out my Hams, Quads, Calfs & Hipflexors.

Part II of the workout was a 1Mile sprint which I ended up holding a 7Min pace.
Part III of the workout was a 1Mile Recovery run at an 8Min Pace.
Part IV of the workout was a 2Mile tempo run at 7:30 Pace.

Overall I was very pleased with my run, even though my times are slow, but only time and training will fix that.