About My Journey

Some things to know about me and my journey. I broke my foot, OUCH, spent 6 weeks in a cast. As a result of that injury figured out that I hade an exploded disk in my neck and had to undergo spine surgery. After the surgery it was weight gain time. Now, after all that it's time to get back into shape, LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!!

Friday, September 30, 2011


X-Train Swim Week 1 DONE ! LIKE A CHAMP (Cue "Eye of the Tiger" please)
That's right, 2,200m on Mon, Wed & Fri that's 4.1 Miles y'all.....Sweet!

Ok, ok enough gloating, left on tap for today is
Lunch-Time strength training (Major Muscle Groups Only) tonight I have a CubScout Lock-In with my boy.  Then it's REST TIME !!! YAYYYY

Saturday is full with a Morning Event Photo Shoot for the Alzheimer's walk (Check out last year's photos here).  This year the Running Tribe will be leading the route so should be a good time.  After that it's  yard work & house work.

Sunday is, of course, church then HOPEFULLY a family portrait photo shoot.

Will prob. fit in some Ab Ripper X & Maybe some cycling on the trainer during the evenings.  That is if I can find some cycle shoes.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why does crazy crap happen to me?  So here I was last night, just set up my old road bike with it's new wheels and was sooo excited to get on and spin for a few min. 

Went and got my cycling shoes and WOW did they stink!  It was like a cat had performed some weird bathroom ritual in them.....sigh, so I went and put them in the washing machine, little soap, little OxiClean, and an Ounce of beach for good measure.

Went back when the washing cycle was done AND LOOK WHAT I PULLED OUT !!!! UGH, I don't have the money for this crap, I mean really!  The ridged soles completely detached from the uppers and the uppers all but disolved! 

Well let's hope today will get better.  If anyone knows where I can get an inexpensive pair of cycling shoes from let me know.... 'Till next time.

Peace & Blessing

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blog Updates

Blog updates are always make me feel like I have accomplished something.  I don't know if it is the writing down of all the day's activities or just the reflection of what you have done.  But I always feel better know I have updated it.

Speaking of updated blogs.  I just updated this one to cover last weekend, Monday & Tuesday.  Ya have to go and look, haha.

Today's swim work-out was the same as Monday's.  However I somehow seemed to drop about 10 min off my total water time.

So in the classic style of Dori, from Finding Nemo. I tell off you you Just keep swimming,Just keep swimming,Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming..........

Oh and P.S.  I really (Still) don't like Kicks Sets!  Ok now I have said it.  L8R on Peoples!

Total Distance 2,200 Meters

Warm Up (Do 2x) - Total Distance 200m
100 Free Drill (Rest :35)
50 Free Kick (Rest 30)
50 Free Swim (Rest 1:00)

Main Set - Total Distance 1,200m
12 X 25 Free (Rest :30)
6 X 50 Free (Rest 1:00)
3 X 100 Free (Rest 1:30)
300 Free

Kick Set (Do 4X) Total Distance 400m
4 X 25 I.M. (Rest :20)

Cool Down Total Distance 200m
200 Free Easy

Afternoon Strength Workout
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
35# 12 Reps
40# 12 Reps
60# 10 Reps Assissted heavily
50# 10 Reps UnAssisted

Cable Machine Circuit
Bicep Curls Using straight bar
Tricept Pull-Downs using V-Bar
Lat Pulldowns

Moving in succession to all 3 stations = 1 Set
Set 1
Bi: 70#, 12 Reps
Tri: 60#, 12 Reps
Lat: 75#, 12 Reps

Set 2
Bi: 78#, 12 Reps
Tri: 70#, 12 Reps
Lat: 90#, 12 Reps

Set 3
Bi: 80#, 12 Reps
Tri: 75#, 10 Reps
Lat: 105#, 10 Reps

Single Arm Bicep Cable Curls (Isolation Curls) 30#
10 Reps Per Arm, 3 Sets

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Strength Training

So today is Tribe Tuesday :-( and  I get to go and take photos today of the Running Tribe doing what Running Clubs do........RUN.  It's like being on a fast and sitting in a buffet restaurant!  Oh well, what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger right?

Lunch Time Work-Out
Triple Threat Bicep Curls
30#, 25#, 20# - Ten Reps Each Arm Moving Down in Weight w/o any rest
Total of 30 Reps / Arm / Set
Repeat 3X (3 Sets)

Triceps Cable Pull-Overs
100#, 120#, 120# - 12 Reps at Each Weight

Narrow Grip Bench Press With Curl Bar
Bar + 25's (75#)
3 Sets - 30 / 30 / 20

Monday, September 26, 2011

Let the Cross-Training Begin

So, last weekend was a big weekend for me.  I finally got off my wallet and with some birthday money that I recieved I went and re-outfitted my OLD triathlon bicycle with new wheels.  Check out the photos of the death & Resurrection of the TRI-BIKE!

Next purchase on tap was some new goggles!  I have not purchased any new goggles in who knows how log, so off to the local sporting goods store I went.  Walked up to the display and did not recognize any of the styles so I just grabbed a pair of the Speedo branded ones, checked the return policy and off I went.
I ended up buying the Speedo Vanquisher 2.0  Needless to say these are HUGELY different from my old Racing Sweeds!  But after my 90 Min workout this morning they seem to do just fine.

 Now on to this mornings main course

Swim WorkOut-Total Distance 2,200Meters

Warm Up (Do 2x) - Total Distance 200m
100 Free Drill (Rest :35)
50 Free Kick (Rest 30)
50 Free Swim (Rest 1:00)

Main Set - Total Distance 1,200m
12 X 25 Free (Rest :30)
6 X 50 Free (Rest 1:00)
3 X 100 Free (Rest 1:30)
300 Free

Kick Set (Do 4X) Total Distance 400m
4 X 25 I.M. (Rest :20)

Cool Down Total Distance 200m
200 Free Easy

Afternoon Strength Workout

Dumbbell Press Press 12 Reps / 3 Sets 35#, 40#, 45#
Incline Dumbbell Presses 12 Reps / 3 sets 45#
ISO Lat Pull-Downs 10 Reps / 3 Sets 45#(Per Side), 70#(Per Side), 70#(Per Side)
Tricep Cable Pull-Downs 15 Reps / 3 sets 60#

Late Night "Monday" Work-Out
P90X Chest & Back
P90X Ab Ripper

Went home and passed out.
Keep on pushing friends, all this work will pay out someday..........I Hope :-)
Peace & Blessing

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In typical Type-A class and style I have a case of TMTS!

Too Much Too Soon, so I guess starting my 1/2 marathon training with a 13 mile run and about killing myself then following it up with a 14.6 mile run at 5K training pace is not the way to do it (See Catch-Up Post Here). All this without stopping or decreasing any of my normal millage.

So after after about 2 weeks of pain in my left Tibia and hoping it was just shin splints I broke down and went to my Ortho.  Some discussion and x-rays we agree that I probably have stress fractures and need a bone scan.  That has been ordered for Friday so will know more then.  However I am prepping myself for 4-6 wks of no running and cancelling my Pamlico Jack Challenge (8K+ Half Marathon) and 3 other races I had on-tap.

Well now I have been talking to my trainer and we are going to start on a stress fracture friendly training program that will keep my running cardio up and keep me in shape so hopefully the recovery to running again will not be so bad. Triathlon X-Training Here I come !!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ortho Appt

Well I broke down and called my Ortho.....Never thought I could get an appointment with the guy I wanted to see and the conversation went something like this.

Me: Hello, what is the possibility of getting an appointment with Dr.B
Rec: hahahahaha, your name?
Me: TimP
Rec: Oh we know you; Hold on please.
Rec: Be here at 3:30 and we will work you in.

Is that a bad thing?
Updates will come later.

Peace Ya'll!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Late Weekend Post

Well no running this weekend, No new running shoes, No New Calf Compression Sleeves, No New Vibrams....Ugh..  

The REI Garrage Sale was kinda a bust.  I did come out of it with a used Petzl Head Lamp and an almost new pair of Merrell Radland Shoes.

Now onto the bad news.  I think a trip to the orthopedic surgeon is in order for the upcoming week.  MY LOWER LEFT LEG IS KILLING ME!  I am hoping it is just shin splints but I doubt it.
Additionally I have all sorts of pains going on and don't know what to do about them.  I have laied off the run now for a few days and it seems to only get worse.  My foot (the broke one) is having some real problems and I think my neck is making my fingers numb and hurt again.

More on all that in another post.  Now time for bed and when we wake tomorrow a call to the Doc.

Oh well......have a great week everyone.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Birthday stats

Today I am.....
38 years old that's
456 months old
or  1,982 weeks old
or  13,879 days old

Current Old Man Stats
I stand 5' - 11"
Weigh in at 79 Kg (174lb)

Unofficial Running PR's
1 Mile:  6:58
5K: 21:51
1/2 Marathon: 1:48:20

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Short Run

Tonight's run was a short run do to some requests for me to shoot photos in the local Co. Fair.

2 mile warm up
3x hill sprints
50 sec sprint up the hill
Recovery as I walked back to the start.
Run back to the house at race pace.
Walk cool down

Total miles. 2.43 miles
Oh well will shoot for a long run this weekend

It was bound to happen

Hey everyone, lol like anyone but me reads this! Anyhow.........
I'm back in the gym again.  I'm officially participating in the USMC Mud Run with a team of friends who had a temmate drop out..sooooo my reserve card got pulled.  I just checked out the website and looks to be a pretty intense Obstacle course.  About 5 miles and 32 Obstacles see the included map for more info on the rout and click the link for a description for all the Obstacles.

Flat Bench 135 X 10 - 4 Sets
Standing Dumbbell curls 5 per arm 2x (Total of 10 Reps) - 4 Sets increasing weight on each set. 20, 25, 35
Standing Tri Pushdowsn using rope handle 4 sets 60lbs 20 Reps
Standing Bicep Curls using straight bar on the cable machine. 4 Sets 80lbs 15 Reps

Nothing hard just trying to get some reps in.  Let the pain come so we can work through it.  I will be modifying my schedule to accommodate a Lunch-Time weight program and as soon as the time changes will start doing more Two-a-Day weight training workouts.

Still want to keep my run up however I am excited to start cross training.  Hopefully I will get to pick up my new wheels for my road bike this weekend from REI and I can start spinning SOON.  Additionally when the time changes I will start my swim training in the mornings.  There a lot of change getting ready to happen peoples!  Stay tuned..............

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tribe Tuesday

Today, like every Tuesday, is TRIBE Tuesday.  However this is a special meeting as it is the 1st ever Brick City Running Tribe Monthly Awards Tuesday.  Awards you say?  Yup, after earning 10 running credits, which are earned by Tuesday runs, Friday AM runs, or any other race with your BCRT shirt on, you earn a "Super Fly" BCRT Medal ! There were 14, I think, members that have earned their 10 or more credits and received one of these.

Now on to the running.  Nothing spectacular to mention.  I did the short run, my lower left leg still hurts but I stopped at mile 2 and stretched my calf's and that seemed to help a little bit.  After the stretch one of my buddies cruzed on by me so I tagged up with him and finished the last 1/4 with him somewhere around a 6:35 pace.

After the run the club went to a local Italian restaurant and handed out the medals and did a raffle drawing.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Race Day Recap-9/11/2011 Cara 5k

FAIL - Well 90 % FAIL......
Unofficial GPS RunKeeper Results: Time: 21:51

Ok so by now we all know that I was amped up for the CARA 5K race.  It got cancelled, I was not going to get rescheduled but then I did get rescheduled but with no chip timing and was presented as a "Just for Run Run".  On top of all that It was rescheduled for September 11th.....UGH, could it had be a worse day?  Maybe, but that would have been tough to beat.

Race Day
Sooooo I'm not sure what happened to me but somewhere along the way I think I lost interest in this race.  I only say that because I think it was the worse race I had ever run.  there was EVERY opportunity for me to have an ultra fast race.  #1) I had  two great people to chase.  One of them is in the Running Tribe that I am a member of and the other was a guy wearing a TAF singlet.  My friend runs just a little slower than me but I like to let him lead for most of the course then at about mile 2 I turn it on and its all he can do to keep up with me.  However the TAF guy was running at about my 5K race pace.  The problem that I had was I had no Chase, and yes I like to chase, I had no Kick.  Nope, did not even kick it into high gear at the end when everyone was watching....and I had no desire to do either one of those.

Now I can come up with all the excuses that I need.  Foot pain, neck pain, shoulder pain & the leg pain I am dealing with right now.  Yup they were all present that morning but I would be lying to you If I told you that is what held me back.  The real reason is I just did not "Want It".  BTW I could have easily passed my buddy from the run club and I'm almost sure I could have at least caught the TAF guy, however that will wait until another day.  Maybe next year.

Now for the 10% Good.
Yes, I did PR the course.  A full 43 sec faster than my quickest run on this route
Yes, I did make it to church on-time.  (Race started at 8:15, I was in my truck leaving at 8:40, at church at 9:30 :-)  The Lord was pleased!)
AND......I WON THE GRAND DOOR PRIZE !!!!!!  Check out the cool swag below.

Well another race, another bib and another shirt.  Next time WILL be better.

Peace out Peeps!

Basket Contents !!!!
3 Running magazines
Frog Toggs Chilly Pad Cooling Towel
Feetures Elite Running / Cycling Sox
Sneaker Balls Shoe Freshener
Stick of Body Glide
1 Pair Yankz Sure Lace System
Brooks - DNA Playing Cards
Omega Sports t-Shirt
Brooks Sillicone Bracelet
Nathan L.E.D. Safty Strobe
Animal Rescue Magnet
Sneaker Keychain
Bag of Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips
Larry's Beans Organic House Blend Coffee
4 - GU Energy Gels
Clif Shot Bloks
Clif Bar
Extreme Sports Beans

Grand Prize Basket

Detailed View of Basket Contents

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bad Runs

So I will be honest, I can not stand a bad run.  I mean it ruins the rest of whatever day I have left.  If I have a bad run at lunch time the rest of the day is shot.  If I have a bad run in the evening I go to be mad.  I just ruins everything.

Last night was one of those runs.  I started out with a sore shoulder / Neck & a sore left foot & Shin.  I figured I would do a walking warm-up then stretch then ease into a jog.  All that went well, some mild pain but overall it was ok.  After that I started my run.  It seemed like every step I had someone hitting my left shin with a crowbar, I don't know what have done, so I decided to do some interval stuff. 3 Min Run W/ 90 Sec walk.  I did this for about 2.5 miles then finished up with a light run to my turn around point.

At the turn around I stopped and stretched my neck, calfs & Quads.  Reset my RunKeeper and off I went determined to finish out the last 2 miles at a decent pace.  I ran back to the neighborhood holding about a 7:15 min/mile pace.  It hurt but I was able to push through it.  I hate days that that.

Well, later on friends.

RunKeeper #1

RunKeeper #2

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Get Inspired with Garden Salsa | USA Triathlon

Check this Garden Salsa out. Sounds good, think I will try it.
Get Inspired with Garden Salsa | USA Triathlon

Huge Catch-Up Post as promised

ok, so here we are again. Playing the old Blog catch-up game. So much has happened since my last entry that I don't know if it is even worth going through or should I just start fresh AGAIN! Ugh, well I think I will at least try and catch-up on some notable items.  Sorry for the extremely long post but here we go.....

Notable Item #

 1) I registered for the C.A.R.A. 5K

2) Trained on the actual route for the 5k. Hills, yuck, I don't do hills very well but non-the-less I trained on them.

3) Hurricane IRENE showed her tail

4) C.A.R.A. 5k Cancelled at the last min. & could not find another replacement race. I did try though. Anything within reasonable driving distance was cancelled as well.

5) After church on the 28th came home and thought I was 19 and super-fit-man and wanted to see if I could actually run 1/2 marathon distance. So on a whim out the door I went. No fluids, nope none the day before nor any that day. No Breakfast and nothing out of the ordinary the night before. The temp when I decided to do this was about 88 deg however quickly shot up into the 90's that day.

NEEDLESS TO SAY; I think I about killed myself that day. I ran about 10k and was tired but ok and decided to push on. Stopped for a stretch & quick drink from the fountain and off I went. So to get in the millage that I was hoping for I ran the above mentioned CARA 5k course twice back to back. Did I mention that I do not do hills very well? I have a really bad habit of pushing up the hills in fear of loosing time that I end up sprinting by the end of the hill and this course has a MAJOR incline at mile 2. 56ft in 1/4 mile. So now after that I hit the fountain again and on the home stretch. The temps were up and my body was hurting, never in my life had I run / limped that far in my life.....this was all new to me. Guess I should not have started out the run at my normal 5k training pace. Well I made it home and rad directly to the shower where I stayed for the next 15 min trying to get my core to cool down. Oh my gosh, worst possible physical experience of my life! You can look at the route here if you want a good laugh.......I vowed to NEVER do it again! The whole adventure took me 2:24:48 and my "Semi-Moving" time was 2:06:29. I was a complete failure!

6) Two days later was the regular meeting of the running Tribe and out we went on yes more hills. I ran ok but hooked up with one of the other guys who was struggling and paced him for the last 1/2 of the run. (RunKeeper Here). First half was somewhere in the 7's and the last half was at about a 9:30 pace. The last 1/2/ was a welcome pace after the brutal run on previous Sunday. Interestingly enough, the run was good and I was not as sore as I thought I would be.

7) Sept 2, ran the Cara 5k rout again this time with much better results. The hills are still difficult but are getting better all the time. Still have that nasty habit of trying to sprint up them, oh well keep on working.

8) NOW HERE IS THE BIG NEWS! You remember in item #5 when I said I would never do that again?! Well that was last week, hahahaha. I decided to give the 1/2 marathon distance a try again. This time I would do some proper prep work.

The night before I went to a local Italian place with the wife and had a HUGE plate of pasta carbana, completely hydrated the previous day & went to bed at a decent time. Got up that morning & ate a piece of toast & 1 egg packed up my phone, spice drops, and filled my Camelbak with water and out the door I went to meet one of my friends from the Tribe. We drove to the American Tobacco Trail where we put in 14.68 miles! That's right folks, 14+ miles and what was great about that is I never got winded and my body did not start shutting down until about mile 11, not bad though. Somewhere about mile 12 my hams, quads & calfs wanted to give out. They hurt so bad but it was one of those pains that we as runners expect and just have to push through, which I was able to do. I was very impressed with myself at the two mile markers that I wanted to give up I was able to really focus and push through and ended up putting in sub 8Min miles (Miles 11 & 13).

So you keep asking what is the BIG NEWS........well...........an 8:22 average pace! That's right folks, 14.68 miles in 2 hrs 2 min and 48 sec!!!!! AND I DID NOT DIE, it was a great run.....It is amazing what a little planning will do for your runs. I did have one problem though, my right shoulder developed this sharp shooting pain in the front-dead center and my neck started to really hurt. I'm sure this has to do with the stupid plate in my neck but I am also wondering if I have a gate / pronation problem....more on that some other time. PLEASE I encourage you to take a look at the RunKeeper map & stats and provide any feed back that you would like!!!  
Note: about mile 13 there is a drop in pace.  This is where is briefly stopped to help a guy out with his horse trailer on hwy 64......strange, but ok :-)

mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)
1 8:40 21
2 8:16 22
3 7:45 -14
4 8:00 10
5 8:33 74
6 8:23 18
7 8:14 -39
8 8:44 2
9 8:10 44
10 8:07 -41
11 7:52 -74
12 8:47 29
13 7:51 -12
14 9:29 -24
15 8:49 -13

9) Lastly after spending 30 min in the basement with the wife & kids riding out tornado warnings on Tues I met up for our weekly Running Tribe meeting at 6:PM. Run was terrible my neck and shoulder hurt very bad so I only ran 1/2 the course. It was very stormy & raining so no "Official" gps reading from RunKeeper but I did manually enter in my time.

Things of NEED
NEW SHOES, Winter Running attire &
A GPS Watch. I would really like to find something that I could wear as my everyday watch, but that is not a deal breaker
Looking at the new Nike watch, but wow $300.00 for a newbie in the GPS Watch game? Not so sure about that.

 Looking at the Garmin 405cx, but not sure about the whole touch bezel

Looking at the Garmin 310Xt, has ALL the features that I want. BUT HOLLY SMOKES, $350.00 NEW!!!!

Finally considering trying to find a used Garmin 305. Seems to be the tried-and-true watch that everyone sets as the standard. As always Keep on running friends and give me a shout-out !! Later


Playing Catch-Up is never fun HOWEVER there should be a New post on the way today !
With updates since my last post, ya I know I'm sorry.  Then let's pray that I can keep my updates going.

Peace out & Keep Running