About My Journey

Some things to know about me and my journey. I broke my foot, OUCH, spent 6 weeks in a cast. As a result of that injury figured out that I hade an exploded disk in my neck and had to undergo spine surgery. After the surgery it was weight gain time. Now, after all that it's time to get back into shape, LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ya either Love 'em or Hate 'em

Mondays that is!  I try my best love love them.  I mean come on, it's Chest day in the gym.  Who don't like going back into the gym after a two day hiatus and try to destroy every fiber in their chest!?

Any how...... Today was a good day.  My lower legs & feet still hurt, but I'm hoping that is just from the increase in mileage and will at least ease off soon.  I have to keep adding to the mileage though, with two ultras coming up QUICK it is almost a must!!

Today's Training Schedule
Lunch Gym
Flat Dumbbells: 55# WarmUp, 75# (8), 80# (8), 85# (6)
incline Dumbbells: 55# (10), 65# (10), 65# (10)
Dumbbell Fly: 45# (10), 55# (10), 60# (10)
and of course we had to end will pull ups.
3 sets 5 Reps - Full Dead Hang Pull ups

After work decide to get my run on.
5 Miles in the cold & dark through some hills......However the nice thing about running at night during this time of year is ya get to look at all the Christmas lights.  Nice surprise tonight!

Ok friends, Keep on Running, Keep Healthy & SAFE !!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

...and again

Had a good 10 miler today with a friend.  We decided to go down the A.T.T. since his 1st ultra is going to be on a very similar surface.  I honestly was a little worried about what pace I would be able to keep since I am still having some leg pain issues.  All in all the day turned out well and I'm glad we went.

We started off a little slow, again worried about my legs, but then after the 1st mile we settled into a mid 8 pace.  Then about mile 4.5 I absolutely crashed & told my buddy we would have to stop at mile 5 and I will have to shed some clothes.  When we left I was cold and was therefor wearing too many clothes.  So after a short break and me removing 2 outer garments we were on our way again.  I hit a Gu Energy Gel & slugged some H20 and was good to go.  The rest of our run was without incident and finished feeling strong.  After the run I stretched & caught up with another tribe member.

A little later on and my legs are feeling ok  I did however wrap them for about an hour today.  It's really a roll of the dice to see what they are going to feel like in the morning.  Tomorrow is an off day then we will be back on it.  Hope everyone has a great weekend, stay safe & healthy!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hi everyone, I can not seem to write a blog post without whining right now.  So I will still hold off and just start posting workouts.  Hope everyone is doing well & Merry Christmas to ALL!!